Subliminal Projects is pleased to present Visual Language: Vistas, a group exhibition featuring artists who expand and redefine the landscape genre with a focused tribute to California. This exhibition marks the third iteration of Visual Language, an ongoing curatorial collaboration with Coates & Scarry, examining art as a communication medium within specific artistic genres.
In the wake of the fires impacting Los Angeles, Visual Language: Vistas centers itself as a love letter to California, embodying our shared journey of healing, rebuilding, and reimagining. In support of our community a portion of the proceeds from this exhibition will be donated to the LA Arts Community Fire Relief Fund, providing emergency relief for artists and arts workers.
Join us for the opening reception on Saturday, Feb 22nd, 7-10 PM. RSVP to to attend.
Aliyah Salmon (@aliyah_salmon), Brian Lotti (@brianlotti), Dean Coates (@chipcoates), Deedee Cheriel (@deedeecheriel), Devon Tsuno (@devontsunostudio), Ed Ruscha (@edruschaofficial), Eric Diehl (@ericdiehlpaintings), Esther Pearl Watson (@estherpearlwatson), Evan Hecox (@evanhecox), Isaac Pelayo (@isaacpelayo), Jason Filipow (@p1brand), Jen Hitchings (@jenjonesjones), Joan Nelson (@joanmnelson), Lars Bergquist (@no_touching_ground), Matt McCormick (@mattrmccormick), Myrna Quiñonez (@myrnaquinonez), Ruhee Maknojia (@ruheemaknojia), Seonna Hong (@seonnahong), Seth Armstrong (@armstrongseth), Shepard Fairey (@obeygiant), Terra Keck (@herlovelyface), Tyler Krasowski (@skinpancake), and Vince Palacios (@vincepalaciosart).
“Linda Rosa”
Oil on panel
24 x 30 inches